after_the_rain333 I dare you to post yours now. Anyway, all jokes aside, some crazy/silly dares I’ve gotten is to yell peanuts out loud, “rizz up” a boy, and to do 50 pushups. I don’t really play truth or dare that often, but that’s what I remember
nysuhhh after_the_rain333 trust me i was, like its so embarassing that i want to erase it from my memories forever. my friend constantly teases me about it 😞😞
FeLiX Samantha ya. in the boys room. all my friends and we already saw each other before. didn’t care
Samantha Here’s a dare for the girls: Pull your underwear down and sit on the side of the bed. (Would you do this even if it was period week?) Here a dare for the guys: Pee into the same toilet at the same time as another guy.
BJade I’d like everyone to dare to give someone they love or care about a hug 🤗 especially if they’re feeling a little down 😥
after_the_rain333 BJade One time I dared my younger brother to apologize to my little sister after they got into a big fight and were ghosting each other. She ended up forgiving him and never knew.
donnaustin on a dare my girlfriend said for me to go into the male shower at a public swimming pool and take off my bathing suit and shower nude with the men and boys, it was incredible horny but i stayed only about a minute , nobody asked me to leave either