KaraZor-El I’m going out with some friends tonight and strapping on the skates. Wish me luck!!!!!! How are you on the rink? 🙂
WestonTexan I love ice skating. I live somewhere that gets really hot, so it’s fun to do some winter sports, even if it can only be done indoors here. I’m not great at it, but I can do it and avoid falling too much. 😛 I learned when I was little.
KaraZor-El WestonTexan that’s cool that there are places to go for such things even in warm climates. 🙂
Falcons_11D I enjoy ice skating. Since I live in the south there aren’t many ice shating rinks to enjoy it.
Maseb Haven’t been skating in years. Winters have been too warm for local lakes to freeze over last 3 years