jacksmith123 anyone had a younger brother or sister start puberty before you did? how did you handle it?
Miguel-Angel My younger brother did not start before me, but very soon after I started. He is two years younger and he was only a little bit behind me so it was kind of weird developing at much the same time.
MentallyChaotic My brother was younger when he started than I was when I started, but not significantly. I might have been a little late starting, he was probably right on schedule so to speak.
Kati Im the younger sibling but started a little before my brother did. Not an issue but I know it can be if its two brothers or two sisters
Maseb I was late starting and my brother, 2 years younger was early, so right after I started he did too.
HoopHero No but that might be bc my sis is 4 years older and bro is 6 years younger 🤪. But there’s nothing anyone can do about these things so move on ig.
Logie2007 [unknown] I was a little different, I was early bloomer, my 16 month younger bro waz late bloomer