Basically I was procrastinating on an assignment but I’m a night owl so I actually function best at night (plus my siblings aren’t bothering me) and I still had an hour to turn the assignment in. However, our internet was not working for some reason and it kept saying that the page was unresponsive or that there was no internet (though there was, I believe, because my sister was using it on her phone). Anyway, I’ll spare you all the details but it was taking really long because I had to keep reloading and shutting down my Chromebook and finally I decided to submit because it was okay and the assignment would be due in a few moments. However, when I went over to check it, I realized that the last two sentences weren’t there so now I’m freaking out. Would it be wrong to email my science teacher and explain to her what happened? Grades are due tomorrow, but if I were to do them early in the morning, then maybe she would be able to grade it during the afternoon? I’m not trying to sound like I think I’m above the rules because I definitely do not think that, but I know my friend said she was able to do something similar in the past. What do you guys think? I’m sorry that my writing is so hectic and all over the place. I hope I am making (somewhat) sense.