Hey there,
So, I’ve got something pretty cool to share! (and not creepy, I promise 😅)
I’ve been super into tech stuff lately and I learned about web scraping in computer science classes earlier this year (basically pulling data from websites). I’ve been following the forum for some time so I thought it would be fun to practice with the old “What colour underwear are you wearing?”. It was a total coincidence that the site closed down after I got the data, but lucky us here it is back.
With a bit of help from ChatGPT I made this dashboard so we can see trends in the colors and types of underwear. (too much r/dataisbeautiful lately hahaha) It took some time to make as I’m just learning sql and stuff but I can share the details if you’re as nerd as me.
The data was all public, so I didn’t censor anything like age or gender, but if anyone has a problem with their info being there, just let me know, and I’ll remove it. 😊
Please check it out and let me know what you think!!!!