Pultost It’s very hard to choose just one, but I’ll go with The Godfather. Perfection from start to finish.
Pultost Falcons_11D Before Charles Bronson got a moustache, that’s how old that movie is. xD It’s a classic, though.
KaraZor-El Maddie Fun fact about actress Emilia Jones As a child she was in an episode of Doctor Who, The Rings of Alhaten.where she was…. you guessed it…. SINGING. ❤️
HannahW KaraZor-El She’s also the daughter of Aled Jones who sang ‘Walking in the Air’ from The Snowman
Maddie She is very talented. She actually don’t think she can sing that good. She in an interview said she was so nervous singing the Joni Mitchell song, “Both Sides Now” at a British Awards Show. I saw the video where she sang it and she nailed it.