Em1245 What piercings does everyone have if any at all? Or what would you like done in the future?? I have my ears and bellybutton pierced. I wouldn’t mind my nose in the future and maybe some others but not sure🙂
BlackParadePixie Have my ears pierced. Used to have my bellybutton pierced as well, but it healed, so oh well!
Naturelover both earlobes and the right eyebrow. I’m thinking about getting a tongue piercing but I think I’m too old for this crap.
after_the_rain333 None, but I might pierce my ears. I always thought piercings look super good on other people but I guess I didn’t see the appeal on myself?
Samantha The terrible thing about the tongue piercings: Not only does it affect speech, but the metal piece bangs up against teeth and can cause damage there. I wouldn’t really recommend.
donnaustin i am thinking of get my labia pierced , because my classmate has her done with a shiny ring