Logie2007 Started doing it summer between 6th and 7th grade, we decided to go swimming at friends house couple of us had no suits, so we swam nakec
Pahern0317 I am lucky that some of my friends have back yard pools. Their parents are cool about us skinny dipping.
MusicLover15 We did it under a full moon once with my friend it was so nice but it felt so weird and it was nighttime so it was dark but the moon light was so beautiful
marie last summer me and my friend swim nude in her backyard pool her parents ok with us girls swiming nude
Maseb I swam nude at home almost 100% of the time. Just recently have been swimming nude in the ocean
JimmyHet I did it once in the ocean with a friend when our families were on vacation together when we were 14. Then since last year I’m going to thermal baths where it’s common practice to be nude here in Germany. Been with two friends a couple times and it’s not really weird at all. People here are used to it and after 5 min everyone has seen every part of each other anyway and there’s no awkwardness.