Miki Am I the only one who looks at profiles that say nothing about the person and so generally ignore them, I mean surely gender and age arent so difficult to do, lol ok rant over
KaraZor-El Anya I’m with Pixie. Find someone you are getting positive vibes from and send them a message. 🙂 just remember internet safety!! Don’t give out personal information, share pics of you wearing school logos, stuff like that.
BJade I’m Jade and anyone who says they don’t know about me are probably fake and doing it because they’re hiding in fear 😂😈
Maddie I’m Maddie and I like playing Ice Hockey, I love my Boyfriend, I like listening to music, shopping, and hanging with my friends. I am a Senior in High School.
KaraZor-El Maddie and when you aren’t Maddie, you are Happie?? Sorry lame joke. 😛 Has senioritis kicked in yet?? xD