but you’re a wonderful human! more people should ge to interact with you ❤
Yes more people need to know you ❤️ because you are a… SUPERGIRL!!!
BJade That’s a good point. Byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee
Oh wait you meant stick around
Back!!! 😃
KaraZor-El you can land on meeeeeeeeee! I won’t complain 😛
A good snarl usually does the trick. xD
Pultost why do I get the feeling you’ve actually done that 😆
KaraZor-El Because I have 😛
Pultost You were all like
KaraZor-El More like this
But I wasn’t serious at the time 😉
Oh my I would definitely rum screaming from that
BlackParadePixie Did you just say rum?? 🤤
So would I. 😆
KaraZor-El I did 😂
BlackParadePixie I will not avoid that interaction. 😋