Admin Kilili People who were logged in from before were able to login. All users who had logged out could no longer login. No new user could register. The Admin could not login as well, meaning the site was just dead.
Kilili I see. I hope you’ll try it again, perhaps using v Bulletin. Thanks in any case for letting us know.
Chloe Can I ask if we are meant to get sent an email to verify it or meant to set our birthdays like before because it didnt ask me to do any of that to sign up this time
Naturelover I would really appreciate it if an upper age limit were reintroduced here. Former members of the old TH should be exempt from this, however. Perhaps @BJade can be co-moderator again. How can inappropriate posts be reported to the admin or moderators?
KaraZor-El Am I the only one who kinda sees it as a blessing in disguise? I’ve long joked that someone should blow up TH and start it over and now look. 😛
KaraZor-El BJade exactly!!! Starting from scratch you can beat them up pretty much when they show up instead of figuring out the ones who have been secretly creeping for 20 years. 😃
KaraZor-El Jake445 Sad in a way but it at least runs well now! Yes it feels like a sleek new sports car! 🚗