I wonder if he meant “I think I masturbate too much” as in too much to get a wet dream, hence why he never has them.
I have never had one either, but then I cum deliberately, either through sex or masturbation, most days, sometimes more than once. That may work for you too if you increase how often you masturbate, but there is no guarantee.
The explanation most often given for wet dreams is that they happen when sperm and semen production have been going on for a while but, with no ejaculation, now everything is full so the body needs to get rid of some to make space, which then happens while you sleep. It doesn’t seem to be that simple, though, as some report abstaining for six weeks or more and still not having one while others reporting having one later the same night as having masturbated or had sex.
The other theory I have seen is that they are caused by spikes in testosterone and, interestingly, testosterone is highest at about 4am and it is this part of the night in which people seem to have them. But then, earlier this week, I was reading a paper that said a normal night’s sleep starts off with more deep sleep and less REM sleep then, in the later half of the night, there is more REM sleep and I think wet dreams happen during REM sleep.
I am also not sure why it is believed that people “grow out of them”. I am not aware of a sudden drop in testosterone at the end of puberty. Perhaps our brains become a little less sensitive to it, in the same way that it gets better at working out when to have an erection and when not to.